Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Shadow of Hiroshima

The ability to come to a decision as a team of varied individuals, collaboration, is a skill often overlooked. However, for our English class this semester, our instructor asked us to team up into groups of four and come up with a new post. After thinking about the nature of our assignment, we decided to look at a picture of the Hiroshima Shadows and write down two words that came to our mind. We then combined these words (gruesome, still, light, frozen in time, immortal, escape, blotted, lost) and wrote a poem. Click here to check out the picture.

Shadows frozen in time
Immortal they died
Unable to escape the gruesome light
The everyday life they lost
Is still blotted in our minds
Forever frozen are the Shadows of Hiroshima

As a side note, the Shadows of Hiroshima are shadows of people going about their everyday life before the atomic bomb went off. The enormous amount of radiation ejected from the bomb painted the wall. However, some of the radiation was blocked by people and other opaque objects, and thus left their "shadows". A beautiful result of a tragic incident.

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